Friday, August 11, 2023

Horror Galore: 300 Fantastic Fright Flicks You Might Have Missed by Nathaniel Tolle

I watch a lot of horror movies and I'm always on the lookout for hidden gems. This book has tons of films I've never heard of before, and the ones I've already seen I've loved. Plus, anyone who appreciates the genius that is Basket Case 2 has a trustworthy opinion.  

I love reading books with horror movie recommendations, but I always find that the movies suggested are more serious fare, while I'm more into cheesy, so-bad-they're-good movies. I'm so happy to have found a book that has recommendations for both! Whatever your personal preference, this book has a horror film for you. And they're divided into sections based on specific subgenres (like How to Cook Forty Humans and More Reasons to Get a Vasectomy), so it's easy to find whatever you're in the mood for.

I noticed a bunch of the movies mentioned are available for free on Tubi and I plan on using this book as my Tubi movie guide, because I never know if the horror movies on there will be good bad or bad bad. I've already watched a few movies recommended in the book and they were weird and cheesy in the best possible way. I can't wait to watch more!

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