Sunday, October 23, 2022

Readathon Wrap-up

I fell asleep around 6:00 am I think. So, I almost made it to the end. I think I spent more time on the hourly Instagram challenges than I did reading, but I still had fun.

Books read: Spook by Jane Little, Susannah and the Poison Green Halloween by Patricia Elmore, The Bailey School Kids: Aliens Don't Carve Jack-o'-lanterns by Debbie Dadey and Marcia Thornton Jones, Baby-sitters Little Sister: Karen's Pumpkin Patch by Ann M. Martin, Two of a Kind Diaries: Dare to Scare by Judy Katschke, Goosebumps Series 2000: Headless Halloween by R.L. Stine, Sweet Valley Twins: The Haunted Burial Ground by Jamie Suzanne, and half of The Baby-sitters Club: Baby-sitters' Fright Night by Ann M. Martin.

Total pages read: 843

Closing Survey

  1. How would you assess your reading overall? I didn't read all the books in my stack and I gave into distractions. It wasn't the most I've ever read during a readathon, but overall I think I did OK.
  2. Did you have a strategy, and if so, did you stick to it? Not really, just to read as much as possible.
  3. What was your favorite snack? My homemade pumpkin bread turned out well.

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