Samson and Denial is the best book I read in 2011. I may be mentioning this a bit late considering it's March 2012, but I've been too busy to blog lately and now that I have time I need to mention how great this novella is.
The story encompasses more than one genre. It's part crime drama, involving drugs and the Russian mob; part revenge thriller; part supernatural, featuring a shrunken head; and part gory horror. All these elements come together to create an exciting and unique plot. And at 126 action-packed pages, you can easily finish it in one sitting.
Samson manages to be a likable narrator despite being a drug dealer and owning a pawn shop where he pays desperate people practically nothing for their most valuable items.
Samson and Denial is a must-read for all horror fans - actually it's a novella for anyone who likes a quick, thrilling read. The Kindle edition is available for a mere $2.99.
Rating: 5/5