Some fun events happening in February include Bleed For Women in Horror: Canadian Blood Donation Drive, the Women in Horror Appreciation Film Festival in Athens, Georgia, Women in Horror Con: In Honor of Bay Area Women in Horror in San Francisco, the Pretty Scary Bloodbath Film Festival in Addison, Texas and Ghouls on Film: Women Made Horror Film Fest in Birmingham, UK.
There are also several female bloggers doing something special for WIH Month. Day of the Woman held a poll where readers could vote for the special event. There was a tie between "Exposing my floormates to horror," where BJ-C will expose her best friends to horror films ("what about the opinions of the women who would trade in a shitty Nicholas Sparks adaptation or something starring Anne Hathaway over Bruce Campbell and buckets of blood? Well...WE'RE ABOUT TO FIND OUT!) and "If _____ had been a woman," where she will take a famous male horror character and explain what it would be like if he had been a woman. And at the request of other female bloggers, BJ-C will be doing something that lost in the poll: "Horror makeup tutorials."
Dollar Bin Horror is doing "Viral Scream Queen of the Day," where Rhonny Reaper will post about a female horror blogger or website.
Fascination With Fear will focus on women villains in horror, posting one each day and "a paragraph or two on why they deserved mentioning."
Fatally Yours will be posting interviews from various women in horror ("from authors to journalists to makeup and special FX artists to actresses to directors to producers to musicians and so on!") for the month of February.
And here's what I plan on doing for Women in Horror Recognition Month:
To keep updated on events happening for Women in Horror Recognition Month, join their fan page on Facebook, or check out their website.